HOJ In the Media
Heart of Justice seeks to help the general public understand the basics of mitigation, why defense lawyers need mitigation, and what historical information on defendants do juries use to base their verdicts on. Each month our Mitigation Specialist Victoria Rusk is interviewed by Television, Podcasts and Radio outlets.
Pursuit Magazine : Why every criminal case needs mitigation
Mitigation makes a difference as it has the power to balance the scales of justice. We aren’t mitigating the crime—we can’t make that less painful, harsh, or damaging. In the business, we say, “We mitigate the person, not the crime.” We humanize the accused. We tell the story of their human experience, to present decision makers with the information and viewpoint they need to make a moral decision on punishment. This article is an excerpted from The Handbook for Mitigation: A Practical Guide for the Community around a Criminal Case.