HOJ In the Media
Heart of Justice seeks to help the general public understand the basics of mitigation, why defense lawyers need mitigation, and what historical information on defendants do juries use to base their verdicts on. Each month our Mitigation Specialist Victoria Rusk is interviewed by Television, Podcasts and Radio outlets.
The Prison Show Interview on KPFT FM 90.1 Houston
Victoria joined a panel of prison experts to discuss the value of mitigation in defense cases.
The Prison Show has through its staff brought together the Texas Inmate Families Association, End Mass Incarceration, ACLU, Texas Coalition To Abolish The Death Penalty, Pacifica Radio, and many more local businesses, churches, and organizations whose target audience are the offenders inside the walls of our prison system.
Beyond the Edge Interview (YouTube)
Victoria was interviewed by co-Hosts Dede DeMayo and Brandy Deutsch, on Beyond The Edge, an online showcase providing examples of confidence to take charge & create a rich and fulfilling life.
Victoria discussed her book The Handbook for Mitigation and founding Heart of Justice.
P.I.s Declassified Interview w/ Francie Koehler
Victoria Rusk was interviewed by Francie Koehler, a noted private investigator about her recent book The Handbook of Mitigation, and how private investigators can greatly benefit a criminal defense case.
Pursuit Magazine : Why every criminal case needs mitigation
Mitigation makes a difference as it has the power to balance the scales of justice. We aren’t mitigating the crime—we can’t make that less painful, harsh, or damaging. In the business, we say, “We mitigate the person, not the crime.” We humanize the accused. We tell the story of their human experience, to present decision makers with the information and viewpoint they need to make a moral decision on punishment. This article is an excerpted from The Handbook for Mitigation: A Practical Guide for the Community around a Criminal Case.
KBOO FM’s Prison Pipeline Show Interview
Victoria Rusk was interviewed on the Prison Pipeline radio program on KBOO FM Oregon. dedicated to educating the public about the Oregon criminal justice system. Our goal is to present a unique understanding of the criminal justice system, address the root causes of crime, and challenge the status quo.
Rusk is the author of a new, easy-to-read book designed for both judges and attorneys as well as defendants. The Handbook for mitigation also explains the process of how to investigate, present, and use mitigating evidence in the justice system. “My goal is for mitigation investigation to be a part of all cases, not just felony cases, and death penalty cases. Mitigation is key to a fair trial and fair sentencing in our justice system – and more professional mitigation specialists are needed in America,” says Rusk.
Mike Morse Law Firm Podcast
Crime affects all of our lives—anyone can be accused, know someone accused, or serve on a jury. Mitigation expert and author Victoria Rusk gets to the “whys” behind a crime, helping jurors, DAs, and attorneys to work for fair and appropriate punishments, in hopes of reducing the American mass incarceration crisis.
Her recent book The Handbook of Mitigation has quickly become canon within the legal mitigation sphere for anyone interested in sentencing justice. How did a former broadcast journalist from Lubbock, Texas, become a leading professional advocate for fair sentencing? Find out for yourself on Episode 79 of Open Mike.
Andrew & Andrew Texas Criminal Defense Podcast
Cases like murder, aggravated assault, aggravated robbery, sexual assault are the first cases that come to mind that NEED mitigation. Andrews and Andrew are Texas criminal defense lawyers that admit there are cases when even the best of lawyers don’t know how to best serve their clients. A mitigation specialist like Victoria can really shine a light on the path forward by not only looking at the case but more importantly looking at the person. Who is this person accused and how did they get to this particular situation.
Victoria Rusk highlights what exactly mitigation is and how it can help on your case, especially your non-capital cases. Victoria encourages everyone to be their authentic selves but also professionally don’t worry about being nice, just do good work. She also loves the book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.